Pre-Install the solution on your product
Preload your App Recommendation Experience
No matter if you provide a phone, Smart TV, Set-Top-Box, tablet or a connected vehicle you can pre-install the third-party App Recommendation Service to help your users find the relevant apps for your connected device. Be inspired by companies like Caterpillar and Silent Circle that have installed their branded App Recommendation Service next to Google Play to help users find the apps that matters.
Great Insights about your user’s behavior
Statistics & Data
Utilize Appland’s Business Intelligence platform to gather great data and make the right business decisions. In the Appland back office you will be able to generate graphs to see end user retention, activity, downloads etc. The Appland team can help you create unique reports such as device activation heat maps where you see all activated devices on a global map. You can export the data and import it to your own business intelligence tools.
Help Users Find the Best Apps