Via Pay-Per-Download (PPD) or In-App Purchase (IAP)
The App Platform supports different monetization methods / revenue streams that can be set up in multiple combinations. We will help you understand which of the following methods are the best fit for your unique set up.
By integrating Appland's Subscription API, you have the option to charge users for apps via methods such as carrier billing, debit / credit card and PayPal in your Third Party App Stores. Conversely, Appland can provide a credit card payment option via our existing Braintree integration.
Debit/Credit Cards + PayPal
via Braintree
Content your users will love
Use your own content and/or a Appland's Catalog of 1000 top-rated gaming apps out-of-the-box
Appland has teamed up with the world's top game developers and content providers to bring your users the best gaming content offering on the planet. Choose content from Appland’s gaming catalog of 1000 Android and web-based titles, bring your own content or do a combination of both* to create a content offering your users will love. In addition, you can recommend any of the 2.57 million apps available in Google Play and Apple App Store with just two clicks.
*Conditions and limits apply.
Run your own Developer Platform
Build your developer community
You can decide to either run your own branded developer community or to leverage from Appland’s general developer community. Developers and your partners can easily set up an account and then upload one or multiple apps. All apps are automatically scanned for malware like viruses, adware and riskware. Once an app is uploaded you can review and then approve or decline the app. When the app has been approved in your quality assurance process it will be published in your third party App Store.
Great Insights about your user’s behavior
Statistics & Data
Utilize Appland’s Business Intelligence platform to gather great data and make the right business decisions. In the Appland back office you will be able to generate graphs to see end user retention, activity, downloads etc. The Appland team can help you create unique reports such as device activation heat maps where you see all activated devices on a global map. You can export the data and import it to your own business intelligence tools.
Pre-Install the App Store on your product
Preload your App Store Experience
No matter if you provide a phone, Smart TV, Set-Top-Box, tablet or a connected vehicle you can pre-install the App Store to help your customers find the relevant apps for your connected device. Be inspired by companies like Caterpillar and Silent Circle that have installed their branded App Store next to Google Play to help users find the apps that matters.
Distribute & Sell Apps